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Real-Time Optimization of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System via Modifier Adaptation
November 16, 2020 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Todos gentilmente convidados para o 24o SEMINÁRIO DE CONTROLE LADES-GIMSCOP
Palestrante: Tafarel de Avila Ferreira
Link para a apresentação: meet.google.com/vjj-qapu-dxz
Abstract: In this work, we describe an optimization approach for operating solid-oxidefuel-cell systems at optimal performance. Specifically, we present the experimental validation of a real-time optimization (RTO) strategy applied to a commercial solid-oxide fuel-cell system. We show that the proposed RTO scheme effectively pushes the system to higher levels of efficiency and maintains the system there despite perturbations by tracking active constraints. The optimization approach uses either steady-state measurements, or transient measurements in combination with a dynamic model, and can deal effectively with plant-model mismatch. In the performed experiments, the approach drives the system to the desired power demand at optimal efficiency. The experimental fuel-cell system reached65% electrical efficiency. As such, the proposed RTO scheme is a promising candidate for enforcing optimal micro-CHP operation. In addition, the approach can deal with slow drifts such as degradation without compromising on efficiency. Finally, we propose an RTO approach via Machine Learning where we use recursive Gaussian processes to represent the plant-model mismatch and estimate plant gradients.
Minibio: Tafarelde Avila Ferreira obtained his B.S. in chemical engineering at FederalUniversity of Rio Grande (FURG) and his M.S. in chemical engineering science atPEQ/COPPE/UFRJ. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemical engineering at EPFL,Lausanne, Switzerland, where he was awarded the Swiss Government ExcellenceScholarship. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at University of AppliedSciences Western Switzerland – Valais (HES-SO). His research interests centrearound the intersection of Real-Time Optimization (RTO) approaches and renewableenergy applications. His current research is on the development of RTOtechniques applied to solid-oxide fuel-cell and proton-exchange membranesystems.