Worldwide data about COVID-19
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The total number of cases and deaths per country
In the following graphs you can visualize the COVID-19 data worldwide.
Evolution of the total number of cases in the world
In the next chart, you can visualize the evolution of the total number of cases in the world since the first case was confirmed in China at December 31th of 2019.
Number of cases
The next graph is a line chart showing the evolution of confirmed cases in the main countries affected by the virus. Each country has its own evolution since the first case in the world, confirmed in Chine in 12/31/2019. However, the time axes were shifted in order to match the first day that each country has confirmed its first case. Therefore, day 0 of each data series should be interpreted as the day in which the first case has been confirmed.
In the following chart it is possible to compare the number of cases over 100,000 people in each country. This can be interpreted as an indicator of the size of the crisis in each country, since the absolute total number of cases does not give the real idea of the capability of each country to deal with the problem.
Number of deaths
The next graph is a line chart showing the evolution of deaths caused by the COVID-19 virus in the main affected countries. Similarly, to the previous chart, the time series were shifted to match the first death confirmation of each country. Therefore, day 0 of each data series should be interpreted as the day in which the first death has been confirmed.
In the following chart it is possible to compare the number of deaths over 100,000 people in each country.
Rate of deaths over cases
The next graph is also a line chart showing the evolution of the virus lethality in the main countries affected by the COVID-19. This lethality is interpreted as the rate of deaths over confirmed cases in each country. Analogously, day 0 of each data series should be interpreted as the day in which the first death has been confirmed.
You can download the full database, containing crude data for all countries available in the ECDC source and our processed data: